Untitled (Bennett Park)
This suspended sculpture consists of an intricate metal framework over which greenhouse shade cloth has been stretched. The resulting forms flow between the courtyard columns and resemble low-lying, billowing clouds. The semi-transparent membrane covering the sculpture is reminiscent of skin stretched over a skeletal form. Shade cloth is typically used to protect delicate plants from intense heat and sun, filtering light and harmful UV rays.
Arlington is home to an earlier work by Buster titled Bell made of welded bronze rods installed in the Courthouse neighborhood in Verizon Plaza. The work emerges from the ground as a three-chambered form that visitors can walk through. Here, Buster’s work has evolved into a complex of many interconnected forms, also possessing the skeletal structure of her earlier work, but now covered with a skin and suspended, no longer physically accessible, but instead looming overhead. The sculpture is located in the publicly accessible Art Atrium at Bennett Park Apartments.Learn more about Kendall Buster.